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Virtual CLass Update:
Please note classes are being held and Currently are virtual sessions (ZOOM MEETINGs) and are georgia state approved for all state reasons (Probation,Court,Reinstatement, Etc.). So if you need a class please reach out by calling To take advantage of thIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLETE THE CLASS BY THIS METHOD. WE ARE CURRENT RUNNING MOST OF OUR CLASSES BI-WEEKLY. Our Next Defensive Driving is 3/29/2025, thEN 4/12/2025 followed by 4/26/2025 and NEXT DUI is 4/5/25 thru 4/7/2025. THE Next Class After that Will be 4/19/2025 thru 4/21/2025. please reach out with any questions. You can call 478-449-1500 regardless of which school you are interested in to obtain an more information.
Satisfy Court Orders
Apply towards Insurance
Premium Discounts

Reduce License Points
Satisfy requirements to
apply for reinstatement
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